This life-changing training program is designed for individuals who are focused on overall health and wellness and student-athletes involved in sports who want to compete at a high level in Elementary School, Middle School, High School and Collegiate. Our Sports Performance Training Programs are Fitness Training, Track & Field Training, Basketball Training and Training for All Sports.
Coach J. is a former Florida High School State Champion and USA All-American who has multiple certifications as a ISSA Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, Weight Management Specialist, Strength & Conditioning Specialist, USA Basketball Gold Coach and USA Track & Field Coach.
In this program, you will learn how to:
Lose weight and get toned in a healthy and effective way by cardiovascular exercise, functional training, proper nutrition and more through our Fitness Training Program
Get stronger, faster and more powerful for your sport through our Strength & Conditioning Training Program
Run faster, build strength, develop proper running form and compete at a high level in your individual and team event(s) through our Track & Field Training Program
Reach your greatest potential with this powerful program.
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J Miller & Company is being rebranded to Legacy Nation Sports Group (LNSG) which will launch on Friday, November 1st, 2024. Visit and subscribe to receive information about our High School & Collegiate Sports Recruiting, Sports Performance Training, DS-160 Visa Services and Videography and Photography.